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Acumatica Live Forum

Acumatica Live Customer Forum

We are excited to announce the very first Acumatica Customer “Live Forum” event!

Join us on April 9th at 1pm EDT/10am PDT, where we will be hosting an interactive Acumatica Community event.  No presentations and no sales pitch, this is your opportunity to pose questions to other Acumatica customers and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), network with other Acumatica customers, gain insights and ideas in areas of interest, and chat with other Acumatica customers about specific topics!

Think of the event as a virtual user group conference, and the “live forum” sessions as virtual rooms or roundtables.  This month we are offering 5 “Live Forum” sessions:

Each live forum will be moderated by an Acumatica Subject Matter Expert, but the real goal is for Acumatica customers to ask the questions, while other Acumatica customers share answers and their experiences.  You can attend the session of your choice, stay in that session for the entire time, or move to different sessions – you are in control of your experience.


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