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How to Solve the Complex Workforce Collaboration Equation

How to Solve the Complex Workforce Collaboration Equation

Add Up the Advantages of a Unified Business Management Platform

Now more than ever before, modern workers require the ability to connect with each other remotely. In response, thousands of apps have been created that connect employees and give them the ability to collaborate more easily.

Without these connections, your organization never truly reaches its full potential. That is why it is important to ensure you have the right collaboration tools in place.

One crucial piece to the collaborative equation is the unified platform. A single, unifying platform can ensure that those essential workforce connections happen and also give you and your staff the tools you need to manage your business end to end.

Stay Connected to Stay Productive

Loss of productivity results in loss of revenue. If your workers constantly have to flip back and forth between multiple apps, it is virtually guaranteed that their productivity will be stolen in small pieces all day.

Wasted time at work due to using multiple apps accumulates over days and months and ends up costing businesses billions of dollars a year.

Almost 70% of employees waste a total of up to 60 minutes a day hopping around from app to app in an attempt to “efficiently” accomplish tasks. The opposite of efficient, it turns out that this app-hopping adds up to 32 full workdays wasted every year. It is also believed that up to $500,000 of annual revenue is lost due to poor integrations and lack of resources.

Any avoidable loss of revenue is too much, but a half-million dollars in avoidable lost revenue is way too much.

The workforce also agrees that they are wasting time with multiple apps. 56% of workers say that jumping around between apps to search for information is disruptive to their productivity.

To resolve this issue, 66% of employees are highly in favor of using one single platform to manage their work.

Ensure a Better, More Unified Working Experience

According to workers, a unified platform would help:

A single, unified platform such as Acumatica Cloud ERP can simplify nearly every work process across your company.

The number of benefits your company can experience due to the ripple effect of implementing a unified platform are too many to name. Your precise benefits also depend a lot on the current workflow system you have in place.

Business leaders consistently report a number of advantages to implementing a unified platform at their company. The top 5 benefits of an integrated approach are:

No matter how you choose to set up the collaboration of your workforce and your end-to-end business management processes, remember that simplicity for the employee delivers returns of increased productivity for the company.


Learn more about your options for Acumatica, the award-winning unified platform powering end-to-end business management.


*Source: 2019 State of Ecosystem and Application Integration Report, Cleo


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